Bracchi tells us about its experience during the meeting organized from Randstad dealing with the “apprenticeship”.Apprenticeship, work placement and ITS: the opportunities offered to any company worldwide and the position of Bracchi.
Thursday 30th November a meeting hosted by Randstad was held at the Point of Dalmine (Bg), attended by representatives from many companies, included Bracchi. The aim of the meeting was to inform companies about the great potential the apprenticeship contract can offer them but, above all, young people.
After a brief introduction by Fabrizio Frigerio, Area Manager of Randstad Italia, the event began: Secondment & Innovation Director Roberto Spinelli illustrated the situation of the modern world of work.

In particular, he underlined how some years ago employment agencies were asked principally for re-placing people already present in the world of work with basic competencies and skills. In the last years, instead, new and high quality skills are more and more requested. Therefore, it becomes a challenge for companies to find people who meet their needs. Randstad’s project is to look for, select and train young people starting from the school and supporting them during their entry in the world of work.
For a gradual learning process, the agency proposes a specific apprenticeship contract: a permanent contract (which nevertheless includes some possibilities of termination in specific cases) with education and mentoring shared with Randstad. It’s like a kind of “training” that allows the young person to experience company dynamics and to learn specific competencies. On the other hand, there must be an involvement from the company, which must be ready to transfer competencies and to accept the apprentice.
Lucia Mazzucca (Coordinator for ITS Tech Talent Factory Foundation) then explained what the dual system consists of: that is, the close connection between theoretical and practical knowledges. Randstad leverages three different tools: apprenticeship, alternating school-work program and ITS system. In particular, Dr. Mazzucca focused on third level apprenticeship, that is the one addressed to young people between 18 and 29 years old who want to obtain ITS high school diplomas, degrees and further qualifications. She underlined the advantages of an apprenticeship contract both for the young person (who has the opportunity to develop soft skills, grow up and invest in his own future) and for the company (economic facilitations and tax breaks).
After her speech, Bracchi’s apprentice Federico Colizzi wanted to share his professional experience with the participants. Federico got in touch for the first time with the world of work while he attended the university. However, it was an indirect approach with a lot of presentations and case-studies, but without a real development of the soft skills required by the companies (such as problem solving or teamwork). Towards the end of his university career there have been the first contacts with Bracchi, which offered him the chance of a six-months internship to develop a thesis project in the marketing area.
The beginning of his path was more complicated than he had imagined, because company processes were more complex than they had been described during the university lectures. Anyway, over time Federico began to orient himself within the company and in the end he realized how much this experience was useful to understand the world of work dynamics. At the end of the internship, Federico was confirmed by Bracchi and now he’s an apprentice for 3 years through Randstad.
At the moment Bracchi is investing very much in collaborations with universities and scholastic environments, in order to promote the entry of young people in the companyand let them have a first professional approach. In the end, Federico declared himself satisfied with his experience at Bracchi, which trusted in him and invested in a project for his growth. After all, the success of the apprenticeship consists in making young people feel like a part of a project and, thus, a part of the company.