• 11 lipca, 2022

100 people hired 2022 transport logistics

Bracchi grows with 100 people hired in early 2022: 45% are women.

But employment remains a challenge. CEO Umberto Ferretti: 'We are constantly looking for drivers, warehousemen, traffic managers, logistics engineers”. The challenge of the organisation, management and control model.

Logistics is becoming more and more attractive. In fact, Bracchi has just completed a campaign of around 100 people hired in the first months of 2022: 78 employees will be based at the Italian locations (among them, 30 are women), 23 new employees for the foreign locations (of which as many as 16 are women), distributed between Germany, Poland and Slovakia. The average company age is around 40 years.

The female presence in the company is now more significant: 45% of the new hires are women, in a sector historically perceived as male-dominated, a sign of the company’s commitment to gender equality, but also of a new way, from women’s point of view, of perceiving logistics. At Bracchi, in fact, there are women driving trucks and forklifts, they are present in managerial roles and in every area of working life, from logistics engineering to transport planning, from the management of foreign branches to administrative offices.

„We have a strong need for young people capable of facing the challenges that logistics poses to us every day,” says CEO Umberto Ferretti. „We are constantly looking for drivers, warehousemen, logistics engineers and professionals in transport management, shipping, customs and tax document management, and administration. In order to help them integrate into the company, we give young people the chance to prove themselves with training courses and company internships, thanks also to active partnerships with educational institutions”.

The importance of corporate governance in Bracchi

Also highlighted is our commitment to the governance, management, and control model. Bracchi is commited to ESG (environmental, social and governance) and labour quality issues, as: contractual ethics, safety, environmental sustainability and having appointed a supervisory board named Organismo di vigilanza (ODV) responsible to verify the implementation, the effectiveness and the compliance of the governance model.

The challenges associated with the progressive growth of the company are many, which is why corporate governance has been implemented at Bracchi, guaranteed by an organisation, management and control model (ODV, Organismo di Vigilanza), which monitors compliance with contractual ethics, safety and environmental policies. The 'model’ was prepared on the basis of the prescriptions of the decree and the guidelines drawn up by Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industry) to raise awareness among Bracchi employees and collaborators so that, in carrying out their activities, they follow correct and straightforward conduct in order to prevent the risk of offences being committed in the company.

„Bracchi’s mission is to pursue excellence in management through innovation and the quality of its services”, Ferretti concludes. „Innovation is a permanent objective of Bracchi’s employees and is the result of constant in-depth research, also carried out through professional training aimed at providing the best customer service. Bracchi’s quality is the result of a shared culture and is identified in efficient, guaranteed services, capable of satisfying the most up-to-date requirements and complying with labour and environmental safety laws”.

Press review:

Main publications in print media

L’Eco di Bergamo | Giovedì 16 Giugno 2022

Corriere della Sera (ed. Bergamo) | Sabato 18 Giugno 2022

Il Giorno (ed. Lombardia) |  Lunedì 20 Giugno 2022

Il Sole 24 Ore (ed. Lombardia) |  Venerdì 24 Giugno 2022

Main online publications

TGCOM24 – Stradafacendo

Uomini e Trasporti



Il Giorno



Port Logistic Press


Logistica Efficiente


CSR oggi – il portale della Responsabilità Sociale



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