Rebranding, Bracchi has a new look| Bracchi


  • 10 czerwca, 2021

Bracchi has a new style for the first time after 90 years of history: from the truck towels to the uniforms of the warehouses workers, from the website to social media and strategic choices.

This year we decided to renew the company identity: after more than 90 years of activities and services among Italy, Germany, Slovakia and Poland completed with passion and dedication, we promise to keep growing in 2021 too but with a more modern and dynamic look. This was a process that last more than a year, in order to finish the first historical rebranding of the company.

We first decide to build a new logo, it was thought to be simpler and modern. This logo will be seen everywhere from now on: from the truck towels to the uniforms of the warehouses workers, from the company’s badge to all the papers, for any billboard of the warehouses and also for the organic pens and the water-bottles thought for the clients and workers. The digital representation of the company is a priority.

We completely renewed the website and we made it available on any mobile platform all over the world. We also defined the strategic guide-lines for the communication on social media, for Facebook and Linkedin. We concentrated on the development of the pro version of, an innovative Bracchi’s spin-off that let privates and companies find the best rates to deliver packs and pallet online, by comparing the main couriers offers with a few clicks. The platform is in vertical growth, it had a huge boom of access during the pandemic.

The goal was to create a common identity for the large range of services and business solutions that Bracchi offers to the logistic and transport market, solutions that include exceptional transports up to 100 tons, supply-chain of fashion, special transports for the elevator and agricultural sector for the e-commerce sales. “The logistic and transports sector is not always easy to communicate through marketing, but we wanted to represent in the best way possible the quality and the specialization of our services”, Lorenzo Annoni said, our Sales & Marketing Director. “We decided to change our image to connect our company’s skills, with a style that let raise our international, innovative, technological and sustainable dimension. Everything is explained in a “brand book”, the communication guide-lines that we put among the intangible asset of our company that we are proud of”.

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